ExTension & Recovery Yoga / Yoga Instructor in Pinecrest, Florida

I am Sam Dworkis and I have been practicing and teaching yoga for over 40 years. I have written three books, all based on unique circumstances that have affected my approach to yoga. I studied with master teachers in India, Europe, throughout the US and Canada. I wrote my first book, "ExTension Yoga" in part because I was dissatisfied with the books that were published at the time and also in part because of the way I was taught to practice yoga. "ExTension Yoga" is a no-pain, no-strain approach to yoga adapted for people of all ages, from couch potatoes to athletes. When I was in my 40s, I developed multiple sclerosis and soon became disabled. No longer able to do "ExTension Yoga," I taught myself how to adapt "ExTension Yoga" and used it to recover most of what I had lost. That adaptation was the basis for my second book, "Recovery Yoga," which is designed for chronically ill, injured, and aging people. I am now in my mid-60s, and though I can again do much of what I could when I was younger, I consider it unimportant. What is important is HOW I practice yoga. That is why I wrote my third book, "The Mechanics of Yoga." It explains the counter-intuitive logic and techniques by which yoga can be adapted to benefit all yoga practitioners no matter how physically fit you are and how it can work for all styles of yoga. My books are available through my website at www.extensionyoga.com. Although I currently live in Miami, I teach world-wide via Skype which requires a high-speed Internet connection and a web-cam. For further information, I may be contacted through my website www.extensionyoga.com or directly by email at


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