Dancing Cranes Yoga & Massage / Yoga Instructor in Riverside, Illinois

Tom & Susan Wilkens are two of the most extensively trained and experienced yoga instructors in the Chicago area. They began their yoga studies at the Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago in 1995 under the direct guidance of Goswami Kriyananda, and their personal practice and their instruction are grounded in the philosophy and methodology of the Kriya yoga lineage. They teach several styles and accessible adaptations of yoga at a variety of venues in Chicago and suburbs: Classical hatha, Kundalini yoga and meditation, gentle yoga, chair yoga, yoga for seniors, cancer survivors, adults with developmental challenges, beginners, and continuing and intermediate students; at yoga studios, senior gathering places, fitness centers, retirement homes, libraries, village halls, park districts and hospitals. They also teach online. Form & alignment based hatha with an emphasis on linking movement to breath and cultivating internal awareness; meditative yet challenging. Dynamic, transformational Kundalini classes. As a yoga therapist Tom offers individual hatha instruction specific to your needs and concerns. Susan specializes in the personalized application of Kundalini Yoga technology to master life challenges and cultivate strength & radiance, and in breath and chant based meditation instruction. Tom also teaches tai chi and is a massage therapist (traditional and Thai massage). Susan also plays a 34" Paiste Symphonic gong, teaches astrology and is an ordained swami in the Kriya tradition.


Ashtanga Yoga Beginner's Yoga Breathwork And Relaxation Certified CPR/AED/First Aid Certified Yoga Teacher Chair Yoga Chakra Balancing Chanting Comprehesive Introductory Yoga Confidence Building Corporate And Private Off Site Classes Deep Healing Relaxation Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Gentle Flow Sequence Gong Group Classes Guided Meditation Classes Hatha Yoga Health & Wellness Kriya Yoga Kundalini Classes Massage Therapy Meditative Asana Mindfulness Personal Training Available PersonalIzed Classes Pranayama Yoga Relaxation and Vitality Sound Healing Stress & Anxiety Relief Thai Yoga Bodywork Therapeutic Yoga Vinyasa Yoga Classes Yoga For Athletes Yoga For Cancer Yoga for Core & Strength Training Yoga For Flexibility Yoga For Men Yoga For Seniors Yoga Introduction Yoga Workshops
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