Yoga and BioMechanics / Yoga Instructor in Syracuse, New York

Alignment based yoga influences Rodney Yee, Judith Lasaster, PT, Ph.D, (Over 80 hours of Continuing Education) Several classes/workshops with amazingly inspiring and well educated teachers, including: Katy Bowman, Master of Bio Mechanic, Julie Wiebe, Physical Therapist (Pelvic Floor Health Workshops); Jules Mitchell, Yoga Therapist and biomechanist teacher; Doug Keller, Yoga Therapist, (training in hip therapy and hamstring health) Rodney Yee, Yoga Teacher, Omega Institute

Somatic Movement Education Dr. Don Stapleton, creater of "Self Awakening Yoga" trained at Kripalu Yoga Center, Christi Rypin, author of Yummy Yoga, Trained at Kripalu Yoga Center, Shiva Rea, Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, Trained 200 hour with Shiva Rea at Kripalu Yoga Center,

Yin Yoga & MeditationTeacher Trainings : Sarah Powers, author of Insight Yoga, Trained for a total of three weeks with Sara at Kripalu Yoga Center


Anusara Yoga As A E-RYT BSE (Bachelors Of Science & Education From SUNY Cortland) N Certified CPR/AED/First Aid Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Guided Meditation Classes Health & Wellness I Was Certificated Personal Training Available PersonalIzed Classes Pranayama Yoga Previously When Working In The Traditional Fitness Field Relaxation and Vitality Since The Year 2000 Stress & Anxiety Relief Tina Ramsden Bio: Registered By The Yoga Alliance Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio Yin Yoga Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher(s) Yoga for Core & Strength Training Yoga Nidra Sessions Yoga Workshops
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