Robbie Michelle Short / Yoga Instructor in Franklin, Tennessee

Robbie has a different approach in her teaching style..its accessible to all! Vinyasa and Ashtanga often leave many people behind in their journey of discovering yoga b/c they walk away frustrated at the pace. Even though Half Moon Yoga does supply those classes, they also understand a true beginners mind and want students to feel confident in themselves as they walk away from a practice. Yoga means union and that's what we aim for-to unite body, mind and spirit through breath, awareness and physical postures as well as philosophy to provide food for thought. Robbie has studied on an ashram in CA, has served as a volunteer board member for the Yoga Society of Nashville, and has studied with many instructors locally as well as internationally known teachers such as Shiva Rea, David Williams, Judith Lasater, Erich Schiffman and others and is currently taking courses to upgrade her studies to 500 hrs through the Asheville Yoga Center. She has been teaching for over 7 years in private as well as group classes and became new director of Half Moon Yoga after relocating to Franklin in late 2008. Her passion is sharing the benfits of yoga in a studio providing all necessary props as well providing other energy based workshops from meditation to qigong to yantra painting and feng shui. Robbie also delights in sharing yoga in the corporate setting. Currently serving Dell, Dwell and Genesco and has previously worked with Gaylord Opryland, Music Row AND Nissan.


Ananda Yoga Ashtanga Yoga Chair Yoga Children's Yoga Christian Yoga Classes Family Yoga Foot Reflexology Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Guided Meditation Classes Indian Head Massage Massage Therapy Meditative Asana On-locaiton Corporate Wellness Events & Programs Partner Yoga Pilates Classes Pranayama Yoga Prenatal Yoga Classes Qigong Classes Raindrop Therapy Recovery Yoga Relaxation and Vitality Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio Vinyasa Yoga Classes Yin Yoga Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Workshops
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