Body Balance Yoga / Yoga Instructor in Annapolis, Maryland

An innovative and dedicated yoga teacher, Jenny is a celebrated yoga therapist and teacher trainer who has been teaching and developing wellness and exercise programs since 1980. The capacity to transmit movement information depends on a teacher's embodiment. Central to embodiment is one's own kinesthetic empathy which Jenny owns through personal practice and teaching yoga for twenty one years. She is nationally known for her in-depth understanding of anatomy and therapeutics, investigating the domains of functional rehabilitation, biomechanics and the nervous system. Jenny shares the depth of her knowledge and her love of yoga as she travels both nationally and internationally teaching workshops, residencies, teacher trainings and yoga therapy teacher trainings. She brings warmth, humor, practical knowledge and creativity to her teaching, and loves empowering students with progressive techniques to move them beyond their perceived limits.


Anusara Yoga Chair Yoga Chakra Balancing Chanting Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Guided Meditation Classes Meditative Asana On-locaiton Corporate Wellness Events & Programs Rolfing Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher(s) Yoga Nidra Sessions Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Workshops
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