Katerpillar Kids Yoga / Sue Erickson / Yoga Instructor in Shannon, Illinois

Our Yoga classes incorporate the teaching of yoga poses, breathing techniques, sounds and song through play! Your teacher Sue Erickson is a Kidding Around Certified Yoga Teacher and Childlight Yoga Certified. Children will naturally develop physical skills such as strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance, improve communication skills, increase general health, and facilitate concentration and focus in a non-competitive environment. Full of creative exploration with storytelling, games , creating yoga stories with our bodies, obstacle courses, and partner work using imagination and music. All kids Yoga poses and activities will be developmentally appropriate and can be modified to meet child's physical, sensory and special needs.


Aromatherapy Beginner's Yoga Certified CPR/AED/First Aid Certified Yoga Teacher Children's Yoga Essential Oils Family Yoga Partner Yoga Preschool Yoga 2-4 Yrs. Teen Yoga Classes & Camps We Specialize In Kids Yoga Ages 5-17 Yrs. Yoga Hikes
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