Erin Lavinsky / Yoga Instructor in Laguna Beach, California

I am a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor and Licensed Acupuncturist. Kundalini Yoga and acupuncture go hand-in-hand together because they both serve the function of moving and regulating the energy within the acupuncture meridian system. Kundalini Yoga is considered a science because of the use of specific breathing techniques, postures, mudras, and mantras in a very precise way to allow for the movement of energy within the meridians, and to allow for the Kundalini energy located at the base of the spine to rise. Kundalini Yoga clears through emotions stored within the meridian system and eliminates them allowing you to move forward in all areas of your life. Kundalini Yoga supports all aspects of the human being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Every class is always an uplifting experience!


Acupuncture Therapy Guided Meditation Classes Thought Field Therapy
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