Angela Thomas Jones, RYT200, MLADC / Yoga Instructor in Littleton, New Hampshire

Gentle YOGA blends traditional Hatha and Kripalu practice with current evidence-based understanding for the mind-body connection. This class utilizes trauma-sensitive practice adapted to all levels of ability and ages. Props are used for individualized accessibility. Located in a beautiful location! Pre-registration requested.


Beginner's Yoga Breathwork And Relaxation Certified Yoga Teacher Chair Yoga Children's Yoga Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Group Classes Health & Wellness Individual Counseling Also Available By Seasoned Licensed Therap Kripalu Yoga Meditative Asana Mindfulness PersonalIzed Classes Stress & Anxiety Relief Therapeutic Yoga Visit Http:// Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher(s) Yoga For Flexibility Yoga Nidra Sessions
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