Yoga Instructor in Fenton, Michigan

I've been teaching advanced yoga courses for 25+ years here in America and formerly in Taipei, Taiwan. Her 2 studios in Taipei produced a loyal following of students that included all levels of instruction. Instruction took place both in the studios and at various business and municipal locations, including classes for postal carriers at the post office facility. In Fenton, we have various levels of small group classes - all of which are 'faith friendly', i.e. we just work out to help you get 'Fit With Yoga' at your own pace !
Ashtanga Yoga
Beginner's Yoga
Certified Yoga Teacher
Christian Yoga Classes
Family Yoga
Foot Reflexology
Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy
Group Classes
Hatha Yoga
Massage Therapy
No Candles
No Meditation - Just Yoga !
Pilates Classes
Power Yoga
Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio
Yoga for Core & Strength Training
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