Most popular yoga offered today is about physical grace and mastering challenging postures; which many of us just can't do. You don't need to master pretzel postures to benefit from yoga. It's not what yoga is about. Yoga is fundamentally about healing and balance. When done correctly it can relieve: stress, anxiety, depression and many of life's illnesses are related to the body-mind connection being out of balance.
"NeuroYoga" ™ is a blend of the latest neuroscience, yoga, and meditation to experience your yoga practice at a new level (or start a practice) that could transform your life.
What neuroscience is revealing about yoga and meditation is exciting because essentially it's starting to catch up with yogic wisdom — yoga, meditation and mindfulness improve your brain, make you stronger, healthier, more relaxed, and more capable of self-actualization.
NeuroYoga ™ can help you experience a level of tranquility few of us experience in our hectic daily lives.
Transform the tyranny of stress to tranquility (tm) Treat yourself to tranquility, because you are worth it!
Keith Engelhardt is a certified “Yoga2Life”™ Mentor/Life Coach with over 30 years experience teaching Hatha Yoga and Meditation/Mindfulness at Dayton area institutions. He has a certificate in Neuroscience & Yoga in the Treatment of Complex, Developmental, or Repeated Trauma." He has experience with yoga and the treatment of anxiety and depression.
You can trust Keith to guide you to the awakening of your potential and possibilities with meditation, mindfulness and yoga. Contact Keith at or