At Serenity Yoga Studio in Middletown, DE, we are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive community for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We strive to make yoga more accessible, and our classes are designed to foster a sense of inclusivity. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing practice or a challenging one, there is something for everyone here. Come join us today for Hot Yoga or a variety of other classes and see what yoga can do for you!
Beginner's Yoga
Certified Yoga Teacher
Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors
Group Classes
Hatha Yoga
Meditative Asana
Power Yoga
Pranayama Yoga
Relaxation and Vitality
Stress & Anxiety Relief
Vinyasa Yoga Classes
Women's Health
Yin Yoga
Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher(s)
Yoga for Core & Strength Training
Yoga Nidra Sessions
Yoga Workshops