Jas / Yoga Instructor in Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Jasmine Kaloudis has a background in movement, bodywork and spiritual inquiry that lends itself to fostering an atmosphere of dynamic play, nurturing and growth. Jasmine has lived all over the globe and her multicultural perspective is beneficial with working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Throughout her 15 year practice and teachings, Jasmine has experienced how yoga is a tool which allows us to experience our selves more fully and more richly. She specializes in working with yoga beginners, the stiff and inflexible.Synergy By Jasmine™ aims to give more joy, flexibility and play to individuals, couples, and partners through interactive, gentle and joyful classes, weekend retreats, yoga teacher trainings and workshops in the Philadelphia area. We offer beginner and introduction classes that connect you to a place of deep peace that leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed at wallet-friendly prices. We offer partner yoga, couples yoga classes, yoga meditation, and partner yoga teacher trainings. People that are interested in Yoga Retreats, Yoga and Meditation Classes, Thai Massage, Massage for Couples, Yoga and Spa vacations or just couples just looking for relaxing, wholesome and tender ways to connect will benefit from these classes.


Beginner's Yoga Candle Light Yoga Couples Yoga Family Yoga Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Guided Meditation Classes Health & Wellness Interdisciplinary Yoga Kripalu Yoga Massage Therapy Meditative Asana On-locaiton Corporate Wellness Events & Programs Partner Yoga Prenatal Yoga Classes Reiki Certification Relaxation and Vitality Stress & Anxiety Relief Tantra Thai Yoga Bodywork Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio Women's Health Yin Yoga Yoga Books, Clothing & Equipment for Sale Yoga for Core & Strength Training Yoga For Men Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Workshops YogaFit
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