Hata Yoga at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences is a two-day residential program offering Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) along with a series of asanas (yoga postures). Isha Hata Yoga is far beyond being a mere physical exercise, or simply bending the body. This comprehensive set of asanas is scientifically designed in such a way that through regular practice, one can attain to a certain mastery over body and mind. Isha Hata Yoga not only improves health and wellbeing, but also brings the necessary balance within oneself to experience higher levels of energy. The postures are imparted in depth, enabling you to continue to practice at home. Regular practice significantly enhances the experience of kriyas and meditation.... See More
Highlights: Inner Engineering Online Yoga & Meditation Class, Yoga Center Facility, Gift Shop, Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio, Spectacular Mountains, Guided Meditation Classes