Waves Yoga Studio, the premier hot yoga studio in Manitowoc County, is neighbors with Tapped with the Lakeshore and offers more than 20 classes a week.
Yoga on the Lake, the premier yoga studio in Sheboygan County, is located in The Shops at Woodlake. We welcome all to our yoga community.
The overall design and focus for Yoga on the Lake is to create a comfortable soothing space where you can exp ... See More
Inner Sun Yoga is to offers you yoga, aerial yoga, meditation and similar modalities with highly trained and experienced teachers from different traditions. We also have special events and workshops including Kirtan, live music and retreats. You wiSee More
...Only yoga studio in Oshkosh offering aerial yoga! We also have over 20 drop-in yoga classes each week. At Inner Sun Yoga you will be inspired to take time to slow down and reconnect to your spiritual heart or "inner sun", the seat of your consciouSee More
...Silvia is a Certified Yoga Therapist International USA. Training in Integrative Yoga Therapy, Structural Yoga Therapy, Yoga for Multiple Scleroses promoting Healing yourself with Injuries and/or Accidents through Yoga, Breath, Meditation, Prana and See More
...Hatha yoga classes
YogAsylum® is dedicated to bringing consciousness-raising, illuminating experiences to students globally through innovative methods that are universally accessible.
Prenatal Yoga Classes
Marty Tribble is a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. With over 5,000 teaching hours logged, she leads students with precision and ease through yoga class in vinyasa, hatha, Prana Flow, Yin, and Restorative styles.
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