Holley Ryan / Yoga Instructor in Fredericksburg, Virginia

Private Yoga Classes are offered, as well as small classes at my home studio in South Stafford. I also teach at a studio in downtown Fredericksburg. Classes are taught in a gentle and accepting atmosphere, and emphasis is placed on linking breath and movement. We listen and honor our bodies by doing only what we are able to do on any given day. Upon leaving class, we feel calmer, more at peace with ourselves, and revitalized! It is a truly wonderful experience! We offer special classes for Larger bodies, seniors, pregnant women, cancer patients and teen age girls. We also have chair classes and yoga for those recovering from cardiac disease. Class times vary, so please call for an updated schedule. Hoping that you will try a class, and feel how good it feels to nurture yourself!


Beginner's Yoga Breathwork And Relaxation Chair Yoga Corporate And Private Off Site Classes Couples Yoga Deep Healing Relaxation Family Yoga Fitness Gentle / Chair Yoga for Seniors Gentle & Restorative Yoga Therapy Hatha Yoga Health & Wellness Heart Centered Hot Vinyasa Flow On-locaiton Corporate Wellness Events & Programs Partner Yoga Plus-size Yoga Postpartum Yoga Power Yoga Prana Vinyasa Flow Pranayama Yoga Prenatal Yoga Classes Relaxation and Vitality Restorative Yoga Stress & Anxiety Relief Teen Yoga Classes & Camps Traditional Hatha Yoga Studio Vinyasa And Power Vinyasa Yoga Classes Women's Health Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher(s) Yoga For Cancer Patients Yoga for Core & Strength Training Yoga For Depression Yoga For Flexibility Yoga For LARGER Women YogaFit
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